
8th Light Apprenticeship - Day 12

Feedback comes in several forms, and can be given and taken. I covered both sides today.

Tuesday’s are my weekly Iteration Planning Meetings (IPM) where I show what I have been working on over the last week, and receive feedback on my code based on what my mentors see. Another form of feedback is test coverage, the IDE tell’s me what parts of the code is covered with tests, and which parts are not. I’ve been working on getting the game 100% covered, and was able to show this today.

Aside from Tic Tac Toe I’ve been working on preparing the training materials to present next week. When the training is delivered, the feedback will be instant, from the reaction of the class participants. I’m keen to do a good job to help them start their journey with Java.

In order to help us all improve it’s important to seek feedback, and similarly I’d like to help others receive their full potential. I therefore offered to listen to a fellow apprentice, Priya, rehearse the talk she is going to give at this weekend’s conference. Her talk describes her journey from a non-coding law student to where she is now. Quite an achievment, which has taken dedication and courage.

The day concluded with the apprentices getting together for a retrospective, an informal way of gathering feedback in an open discussion on what we all like, and what we think could be improved with the Apprenticeship scheme. It was great to hear other people’s experiences and reassuringinly it seems everyone has the same sorts of questions upon starting their journey.