8th Light Apprenticeship - Day 17
Teaching a group of strangers over a week allows you to see traits in their personalities. Some are young and enthusiastic, others are know it alls. Then there are the ones who lack confidence, and the ones that are tired out by life.
Regardless of what each student is like, I believe given the right environment, a little encouragement and support, they will all be able to pick up Java. The only person holding them back is themselves. If you tell yourself you can’t do something, the likely hood is you will not be able to. If you tell yourself you are rubbish at maths, then you probably won’t be able to figure out the prime factors in a number. If you are student who wants to learn the subject being taught then you’ll soak up the materials, make notes, read up on topics after class. Keeping a positive attitude and an open mind will keep you on the path to success.
In life we are all capable of acheiving a lot more than we think. How far you go is really just down to you and how brave you are.