Updating My Website
8th Light Apprenticeship - Day 87
Earlier this week I was really excited to hear that people outside the 8th Light office are reading my blog! Having this in mind, I wanted to tidy it up a little bit, so that people can continue to enjoy it. I decided to use Friday’s Waza time for this.
Initially the blog page was limited to show the last 50 entries. When I created this blog page, I never imagined I’d write more than 50 posts, so it seemed very high at the time. Still, as someone had raised a github issue, as they wanted to read them all, I removed the limit, so that all blog posts that I have ever written can now be viewed.
For a little while now, I have been wanting to separate out my apprenticeship blogs. Let’s face it, there are so many apprenticeship blogs, most people would probably not scroll to the end to see some of the earlier, pre-8th light entries. I therefore added categories to each blog I had written and now have two links - One for the apprenticeship content, and the other for everything else.
To smarten up the ‘about’ page I replaced the links to github, and twitter with nice little images in the footer, and included a RSS feed so that people can get notified of new content on the go.
Finally, I’m taking part in a 100 day photo challenge, so another apprentice helped me write a little javascript function that pulls my pictures down from Instagram and displays them nicely on my web page.
With all that done and dusted (thanks to Rabea for pairing!) it is back to the world of tic tac toe!