Querying A Vector For A Value

8th Light Apprenticeship - Day 107

I remember when I was doing my java tic tac toe, I went on a mission to eliminate duplication within the bodies of loops when validating the user input.

This was because each category of ‘bad’ user input needed to have a custom error message, and there were several different categories such as - was the input given a number - was the input given within range - was the input given the index of a free cell in the board?

In Clojure it was actually easier to give each category of input invalidation it’s own error message, rather than use a blanket “Input invalid”. So what did I do differently?

Firstly I had less checks. Rather than checking if the number was within the boundary of the board, I just had the board functions return me the vacant cells. This way, if the input was a number, but that number was not in this list, I knew it was invalid straight away.

One of the the Clojure quirks occurs when trying to establish if there is a given value in the board. For example, does the list of free spaces contain 1? You would imagine there would be some sort of contains? or includes function.

There is, however it doesn’t work as you imagine it.

contains? works on a map and looks for a match on the key. If you pass a vector, the keys are numerical, so contains is looking for a key of 1, not a value in the vector of 1.

 tic-tac-toe.ttt=> (contains? [2 3 4] 1)

 tic-tac-toe.ttt=> (contains? [2 3 4] 4)

To work around this with vectors, there is a helper method some. This returns true, if the collection contains the value under consideration, but nil if it does not. This took me by surprise, as intuitively I expected true and false as return values. To work around this, within my board namespace I translate the result of some to a boolean, so that any client does not have to check for nil.

      (if (boolean (some #(= provided-index %) spaces-on-board))