
8th Light Apprenticeship - The End.

It has been a while since I updated this blog. I wanted a cliff hanger ending, like when a TV program halts for a season break.

So, for all those waiting….I did it! I successfully completed my challenges, and am the second woman to make it through as a Software Crafter at 8th Light London.

It was not an easy two weeks. At the start my brain was a little overactive, thus making it difficult to wind down and sleep well. However the more I progressed through the fortnight, the more settled my brain became.

Unfortunately I can not share any of the details on the challenges themselves, nor the graduation ceremony, but life as a Crafter is starting to take shape.

Since graduating I have given a public talk on Diversity in I.T, as part of the Socrates UK conference and as part of Diversity week.

I’ve helped run a hands-on coding session on building your own test framework with Pawel Duda at Socrates UK.

Plus I’ve started contributing to the 8th Light Blog where my article on different types of TDD is currently the most read article on the site after those written by Uncle Bob…so, just call me Aunty Gee ;-)

So to wrap up my apprenticeship blog I’d like to do an Oscar performance thanks.

A heartfelt thank-you to everyone who has helped me along my journey. All the Apprentices, Crafters and my mentors Jim and Enrique at 8th Light.

Thanks to the gang at LSCC, Mash and Sandro, who first introduced me to Craftsmanship and allowed me to meet so many developers from all over the world. Finally thanks to a couple of friends, who really supported me along the way and shared some of the pain, sweat, tears (mainly of laughter) and stories that lasted until midnight - Nas and Pawel.

That’s a wrap!